Friday, October 1, 2010

I Hate (Adore) Jamie Oliver

Okay there is nothing so evil as watching Jamie's Kitchen. His garden glows with abundant life. Tomatoes in ripe ruby colored bunches, hanging low on the vine. Rosemary like a spikey tiara. Bay leaves fresh off the tree, vibrant green with an edge of gold. Garlic and chives, archways of who-knows-what vegetable or herb.

Damn I just hate the man.

Then there's that wonderful old fashioned kitchen with the herbs hanging and the nifty old cabinets. And the luscious outdoor brick oven and fire pit. It's just not fair!

I, on the other hand, am coming to my land at the beginning of winter. I'll probably have to build a stone oven for my bread - for the heat if nothing else. As for glowing heirloom tomatoes, I've got hundreds of seeds, but the plants will have to wait for spring.

Of all the TV chefs, Jamie's Kitchen is probably nearest and dearest to my kitchen and cooking style. "Dead simple" cooking with super-fresh just picked ingredients. It'll probably take me years to grow a garden like that.

I hate Jamie. He makes me lust for his garden. And for my future garden. Evil man.

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